Wow! I thought it would be easier than that. I have this application I started writing that I feel would be useful to lots of people out there and decided to share. I wrote an application that takes the output of a Nessus scan and loads it into an SQL Server database. I intend on working on this over time and add features like reporting. Ultimately, what I am after is better reporting as the Nessus application only provides ONE report.
Since I wrote the code in C Sharp, I decided to go the one of the best known repository for Microsoft technology open source projects, CodePlex. Creating the project was quick enough, but I can’t seem to be able to access the source code tab. I always get the message that The source control server is currently unavailable. Fine, I’m moving on.
So I went to the best known open source repository,, and created my project. It looks like it needs to be reviewed by humans before I can even start uploading code. Great! It was bed time anyway.
Today, I decided to see if by chance my project in SourceForge would allow to upload code, and it does. Awesome. CodePlex is still displaying the same error message. I don’t know if it is me who is doing something wrong or what. I cannot find anywhere to go if I have problems. What looks like their support board actually contains more suggestions for enhancements than support requests.